
The Future of eCommerce in 2021

August 23, 2021

What’s the new normal for commerce? And what can you do to thrive in 2021 and beyond?

Recently we had the pleasure of surveying several of our clients who shared some valuable insights around eCommerce trends shaping retail and eCommerce.

Here are a few findings and practical steps you can take today to future-proof your business.

Engaging Consumers Everywhere

Mobile is crucial to their digital strategy.

In light of the pandemic and consumers spending more time shopping on their phones, mobile retail commerce grew 31.5% in 2020 and is expected to increase by another 28.8% this year (ROI Revolution).

With mobile devices continuing to grow as a primary browsing device, it’s no longer enough to have a static website design that only looks good on a computer screen. Not to mention: you must also consider tablets, laptops with secondary screens, and different smartphone models when coming up with a design.

This is the perfect opportunity for you to customize your content to meet your shoppers where they are shopping. Recently Syndigo upgraded our Content Experience Hub platform to include a capability called Device Targeting.

Device Targeting gives you the ability to host multiple assets that convey the same message, tailored to the consumer’s browsing device. This complimentary feature is an adaptive design technique that works for any in-line content such as feature sets and image widgets.

It automatically adapts to different display sizes and provides pre-determined imagery based on the screen size and layout. With personalized assets for device size, your content won’t go unnoticed or get distorted.

Data Quality Converts Browsers Into Buyers

Many struggle with inconsistent quality in their product data.

Organizations are losing between $10 to $14 million each year due to poor quality data (Gartner).

Poor information, whether it’s out of date, incomplete, or just wrong, can cause negative impacts to ripple throughout a system. Without quality data at the beginning, it is extremely time consuming and costly to manage later in the business process.

Having good data quality is challenging for many reasons:


Suppliers have multiple systems that house product content for individual departments


Product Content requirements change quickly and often


Disparities between ecomm, space management, advertising, and other needs can lead to damaging consumer experiences

But it doesn’t have to be! Syndigo’s robust Data Quality Engine performs thousands of validations to ensure not only the completeness, but also the readiness and accuracy of your data.

Check out our guide on how to take charge of your data quality with some quick wins.

Syndication…Not Always Seamless

It is an ongoing challenge to manage and stay updated on ever-evolving recipient requirements.

Syndication is not a “one size fits all” solution. With more and more ways for consumers to research products and make purchases than ever before, it can be difficult for suppliers to stay up to date with all the various retailer and industry specific requirements.

They must manage the multiple different requirements for each recipient partner. At times, a recipient wants to receive or display a supplier’s product data in a different way. For example, some retailers won’t accept special characters within product descriptions.

This is why choosing the right content syndication partner is so important. The fact that Syndigo works closely with retailers as clients also ensures the best coordination of content for eCommerce sites.

Our Content Experience Hub ensures your content will be accepted based on industry and recipient-required data formats.